Shall i breathe….

Another day just passed by ,
Under the shade of Melted lights,
My soul greeds forbthe unknown bliss,
And my heart longs for your poisonous kiss,
Shall i breath or end this misery,
Into your strong arms,
Or live this hiss…

I stay here for your gleaming eyes to wipe my
Streaming tears off,
Alone with a look ,
Spare me your love,
I shall cover myself with it alone,
Loving your soul to the core…..

Separation i dread…..

Im afraid they will seperate,
And my life wouldn’t be the same,
Open wounds won’t have a hand to heal,
Mom won’t be around when i would screech,
Dad’s loud gestures wouldn’t make hush,
The only sneaky couple in the kitchen wouldn’t make me blush,
There wouldn’t be what i call a home,
It would be a broken family instead,
The Separation i dread…..

There wouldn’t be someone to look upto,
Wouldnt be love to believe in,
The fairy tales will face a cold death,
And wash away all faiths from my head,
Parents the word would never sound the same,
Family wouldn’t now have claim,
As love stands in the corner so ashamed…..
As everyday argues and abuse i am fed,
Still that Separation i dread……